We just heard back from the ISSA and the Ken Blackburn/John Brookfield seminar is approved for 8 ISSA continuing education units (CEU's). If you are a trainer that is not ISSA affiliated you cna present the ceu's to your provider for credit.
What if you are not a trainer? Should you come? YES! Let me tell you a little about the seminar. Ken Blackburn of the IKFF (link) will be presenting the art and science of the kettlebell for combat sport athletes. Combat sports are MMA, Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Boxing, Muay Thai and any other where body contact is involved.
Ken will teach you how to use and apply proper kettlebell techniques to build speed, strength and unstoppable endurance. Trust me on this, you will not want to miss the opportunity to learn from
Ken. He is truly one of the best instructors that I have ever learned from.
Right after Ken's segment, strength legend, John Brookfield will be presenting Battling Ropes basics. John is the creator of the Battling Ropes system. Who better to teach it to you than the master?
There is nothing new under the sun they say, and this really applies to the fitness/strength world, but the Battling Ropes system is without question, one of those things that infuriates me. Every time I see it I think, "why didn't I think of that?" It is new, exciting, simple and effective. Everything you need in a tool for your fitness toolbox.
Using the Battling Ropes system you can do an almost limitless amount of exercises. You can use them for building stamina, strength, improving mobility and more and they re fun and challenging. Battling Ropes are one of the best tools to add to your training toolbox. If you are going to learn how to use them, why take a course form a guy who took a course from a guy who took a course? Learn them from the master of the system. Lucky for you, TPS is bringing him to you. This really is a no-brainer. Learn from the best. John Brookfield is the best. He is also coming here. You should too.
Go to totalperformancesports.com to register
I want to link this event from Everything Strength but couldn't find anything on TPS. Help me out, Murph.
Everything Strength