The following is a re post of an old newsletter item from the July 2007 TPS newsletter. It is a question we get asked all the time so here is your answer.
July 2007
NEW!! Murphy’s Law: Before or After?
In the fitness industry, it seems like we hear a few of the same questions a thousand times each week. Of course it’s not a thousand times, but there are a few common questions and a lot of misconstrued, anecdotal answers. One of the most common questions, and maybe most important, is “cardio or weights first?” Everyone wants to know what to do for the best results and usually I would ask “what results are you looking to achieve?” But in this case, we have science to answer this question. Let me start by clarifying my statements. If your goal is to burn extra calories, ramp up your metabolism, look and feel great, and lose body fat, then science will prove what I’m about to tell you. If your goal is to improve your time in a 400 meter race, or something similar, it might not be the same answer. Many studies have been done on this subject, and for the vast majority of people training for health and fitness, the answer is clear. Studies prove that you need to do your strength training first in your workout if you plan on doing both cardio and strength in the same day. I’ll give you a few reasons and I’ll do it in English instead of pre-med. Performing strength training first in your workout will allow you to have a higher rate of force production. This simply means that you’ll be stronger and have more energy to devote to this component of your training. You will be ale to handle heavier weights safely and more effectively, and you all know that using weights that are challenging to you will bring more results faster! Intense strength training also elevates your metabolism to a higher degree for a longer amount of time post workout then cardio vascular training. Strength training is the key component to fat loss as it builds more lean muscle, which in turn, allows your body to burn more calories for a longer amount of time. This is why we exercise. However, cardiovascular training is very also important. It works very well when done after strength training since it burns even more calories! Doing both on the same day adds up to more calories burned in total, which leads to greater fat loss. When talking about cardio training, we would prefer it to be intense cardio training, not a leisurely stroll. Remember, exercise should be challenging to provide the best results! So if your goal is to lose body fat and overall bodyweight, here is a general guideline for you to follow- start with both. Many people think that they should begin their fitness development by doing only cardio for a few weeks. This approach is ok, but it fails to hit the mark long term. Beginners need to strength train! It’s just that simple! Start your program with 2-3 days of strength training and 2-3 days of some form of cardiovascular training that you enjoy, at a level that is appropriate for you. Beginners need to use a lower intensity of strength training until they become accustomed to weight training. Neglecting the strength training component will make fat loss slower! The take home message here is weight train first, then do your cardio second, or cardio on a different day, and train at a level of intensity appropriate to your fitness level. Increase the intensity at which you train as your fitness level improves and watch those pounds melt away.
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If you have any questions on this type of training, stay tuned to this website for more informative articles, or contact us by email at, . C.J. Murphy C.F.T., S.S.C. © Copyright 2007 Total Performance Sports. 11 Victoria Street, Everett, MA (617) 387 5998
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